Monday, November 27, 2006

Santa Clause Parade in CP!!!

This is our Nephew Logan with his Grandpa and Nanny!!!
Uncle Brad is showing Logan how to walk!!! Yes, he is ONLY 4 month old...but he is VERY smart!!!
Logan with Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Nanny!!!
Brad and Stacy watching the Santa Clause Parade in CP!!! We could not have asked for a nicer evening ... the weather was GREAT!!!
Here comes the big guy himself!!! I've been REALLY GOOD ALL YEAR...Hope he noticed!!!
Watching the parade...
Abbie and Stacy...
Jason, Logan, Kim and Nanny:

After the Parade Uncle Bill and Aunt Patti-Ann invited us all over to their house for a VERY LOVELY meal and a few drinks....UMMMMMMM...
Thank you so much, everything was delicious!!! :)

1 comment:

Parker said...

I am so glad that you had so much fun at the parade. Mommy and daddy are going to take me next year. Did you know that Santa has already made a visit to my house- yesterday I saw this big present under the tree and it is from Santa (hee, hee)!!!!!Hope you have a great week.
