Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We welcome Mya Grace Alexandra to the world...

On Saturday, Brad's cousin Melinda delivered another beautiful baby girl who has been named Mya!!!

Her big sister Madison was nice enough to share her picture album with us on Sunday afternoon and Mya is a beautiful baby!!!

Congratulations Melinda Marty and Madison on the new addition to your family.

Side Note: Miss Mya was born on her Great Uncle Bobs birthday...Happy Birthday Uncle Bob!!!

Brad and I hope to be able to meet Miss Mya sometime this week/end.


I want to first, thank everyone for coming to my bridal shower on Sunday!!! Brad and I received some really great things which we totally appreciate!!!

A great big SPECIAL THANK YOU to Aunt Carol and Aunt Kathy who organized and hosted this lovely event on Sunday afternoon. It was very thoughtful and so nice of you to do this for me.

An infinity of THANK YOU's to my mama, who had to travel VERY FAR and just for the weekend, so that she would not miss this party. Thanks mom...YOU are the bestest in the whole wide world.

A ginormous THANK YOU to mama Chris. I'm the luckiest bride in the whole wide world to be getting such an AWESOME mother-in-law...!!!

Also, I need to thank Alison, who took my camera and made sure I had pics of the afternoon...Abbie who assisted me in keeping track of what was from who (it made writing my thank you notes SO much easier)...and of course may I not forget to give a big thank you to MISS MADISON who was a such big help in opening all the wonderful gifts!!!

Again Thank you for the lovely day and everyone who came to share this with me!!!

A Dinner Party With 5 VERY SPECIAL GUESTS!!!

...Saturday was a very beautiful day in the National Capital. Low humidity and Sunshine!!! YAY!!!
Brad had to work Saturday morning...but not to worry...Mama Light and I did manage to stay out of trouble!!!
Saturday night we had some very special guests come over to join Brad, Mama light and myself for a little bbq party on the deck!!! Thanks Mama Chris, Papa Jim, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Earl for the great company!!!

Mama arrived Late Friday night Safe and Sound!!!

...Mama Light DID arrive on Friday night....SAFE and SOUND!!! We were actually a little bit late picking her up at the airport...ooops...I blame it on the LOUD music at the summer party...I clearly could not hear my cell ringing...hehehe...but nonetheless...she did abide by the airport rules and we found her waiting for us with zero problems!!!

Friday Night GLH Summer Party

Friday night was my firm summer party which was held this year at the Congress Center...Brad and I had...Lotsa food, lotsa drinks ... there was good music, prizes...And imagine "I" even won a prize!!! YAY!!! $50.00 in gift certificates to one of the pubs down on Elgin St.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My mom comes TOMORROW!!! YAY!!!

Hi MOM!!! I can't wait for you to get here!!! Remember the airport rules please!!! You stand in one spot (no bathroom stops...no smoke stops...etc) until we arrive to fetch you!!! Ahahahaha!

Have a good flight and safe travels.

See you soon!!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Another project finished!!! Well....almost...

Finally... The Rec room is painted and furniture is in!!! For those who haven't heard me complain about it (yet)...the painting of the rec room felt like a total disaster!!! It really is too painful to talk about at this time...while the wounds are still fresh...but know that...YES, there is finally paint on the walls....we like the color...AND there is furniture in there!!! YAY for us!!! Just have to put the proper light fixtures up and we can call it good!!!

They are not great photos, but I'll post anyway as proof of the completed project!!!

I wannnt Naaaaannnnyyyy!!!!!!

Fathers Day BBQ

Marty & Melinda & Baby (almost)...

Maddison & Brad

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Sunday, June 18, 2006


Happy Fathers Day Papa Light and Papa McCready!!!

Friday, June 16, 2006


Brad took me on a hot date Wednesday night...to the Capital City Speedway!!! It was really cool actually (or I'm getting pretty easy to impress)...

The whole night, all I could think is...I WANT TO DRIVE!!! I think I could totally do it!!! If I think about it later, I'll post a short video clip... :)

Anyway, I had alot of fun!!! Maybe I have a new addiction...

Everyone have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thank you!!!

A great big THANK YOU to The Duvall Sisters (Shawnette, Krista and Shannon) who hosted a wonderful Bachelorette Party for myself and Corinne this past weekend!!! I am sure that I speak for us both when I say, we appreciated all the hard work, organizing, games and gifts that went into our weekend!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
Also a huge thanks to ALL MY GIRLS for being such great friends!!! xoxo

The GIRLS!!!

The GIRLS at the Jackson Triggs Winery...(This time pic featuring Mrs. Andrea Taylor)...LOL

Girls Weekend In Niagara Falls!!!

L to R: Shawnette, Jane, Krista, Stacy, Corinne, Sheila, Kim and Shannon.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

RSVPs - Less than two weeks!!!

Please...Please...Please...Accept or decline your invitation and drop your reply card back in the mail very soon!!! We need to have our final number count by June 15th!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006


RAIN!!! ALL WEEKEND!!! That is SO unfair!!! We had big plans for deck staining and flower planting!!! Boo. :(

On the brightside, maybe we will be inspired to finish the painting that needs to be done in the rec room and downstairs bedroom...!!!

Check in on Monday - Hopefully we will have some more new photos to post!!!