Monday, January 28, 2008

Ian (and Wanda) Come To Visit!!!

Last week Ian and Wanda came from Sudbury to visit with us!!! Olivia and Ian I think really enjoyed each other. Admittedly, Olivia was maybe a little bit bossy with Ian regarding her toys and how to play and what to play...but we will work on that with her...

Olivia and Ian posing for the camera:
I'm not sure what Olivia is trying to tell Ian, but she was no doubt bossing him around. It looks like he was taking it ok though:
Olivia and Ian watching "their show" before bed (and while daddy and the mommies ate supper):
Olivia and Ian started out with the same number of plastic rings. Somehow Olivia ended up with them all...hummmmm...Either Ian is a really good sport...or it must be love... :
Ian Playing in Olivia's Jumparoo:
Olivia hammin' it up for the camera:

Monday, January 21, 2008

Don't forget to VOTE FOR often as you can!!!

Don't forget to VOTE FOR often as you can!!! See the details from JAN 17/08 article!!!

Love the O'Neil's xo

Friday, January 18, 2008


UMMMM...Today was a VERY exciting day for me!!! In addition to my formula and the 3 kinds of baby cereal (rice, barley and oats) mommy and daddy have introduced to I had SQUASH for the very first time!!! My very first VEGGIE!!! to be honest, I wasn't too sure what to think...mommy even accused me of making a face...but once I got into it I realized that this new taste was fabulous!!! YUMMMM ... I really like squash!!! To celebrate...I decided to wear this very pretty dress my grandma gave me at Christmas!!! See Dress (and my totally adorable face) below:
Olivia Michelle 5 months, 3 weeks old

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Our Miss Olivia is starting to become quite the little camera ham (See Pic below):

Also I entered the "little Pink Dress" Pic (in Black and White) in a contest...

Please visit THIS WEBSITE!!!

You can find and VOTE for OLIVIA buy going to the bottom of the page where it says "search for a photo" and enter the id # 138426!!!

I think you can vote a max. of once per day (per email address)...SO KEEP YOUR VOTES COMING PLEASE!!! I think the contest doesn't end till June :) Thanks Everyone!!!

The O'Neil's

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The introduction of CEREAL!!!

This post is perhaps slightly outdated...but thought I'd put it up anyway since this was a pretty MAJOR event in the wee girls baby life!!!

On Christmas morning (at 5 months minus 2 days old)...Miss Olivia dove into her first bowl of rice cereal!!! She was very interested in this new thing (perhaps more in all the fuss caused by her parents and grandparent who were scurrying around ...oohing and awing , clapping and taking photos/video) and did very well at getting most of in to her belly rather than all over her face!

It's been a few weeks now and this past week seems to have been a bit of a turn around. She actually gets excited to eat and we can see her swallowing the majority of the cereal (rather than pushing it out)...

So far she has had rice cereal and Barley cereal and is now up to two times a day in addition to her formula. Next week we will introduce oatmeal cereal I think.

Anyway, here is Olivia's first crack at "EATING":
...that wasn't so bad eh?!?! what is that I see. Olivia likes the odd sip of water. She especially likes her sippy cup which she is also getting more skilled at handling:
"Ahhhh...a job well done. I think I have done enough today to entertain all my LOYAL SUBJECTS":

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I LOVE all my toys!!! Especially all the ones that make NOISE!!!

Olivia and her daddy playing with toys:

Miss I'm 5 1/2 months old already!!!

Our Little Water Baby!!!

Olivia went swimming for the first time last week!!! Once with mommy to her Aqua fit class and then mommy and daddy took her to family swim.

She was so brave...she really does LOVE the water!!! As soon as she saw the pool she got very excited...kicking her legs and big high pitched squeal (her new favorite sound)!!! Her eyes lit up when she saw the pool. I can only imagine she must have thought she was in big bath tub heaven!!!

Here is Olivia and mommy at the pool:
...and Olivia with daddy at the pool:

Monday, January 07, 2008

The O'Neil Family - BABY PICS

Daddy Brad...Sometime in 1976...I think he is probably 6 months here? Maybe 4-5 ...Not sure...I'll have to ask Nanny:

This is Olivia...2008...5 1/2 months old:

This is mommy Stacy...1976...about 6 months old...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just Hangin with Mom and Dad on NY's DAY...

Happy 2008 Everyone!!!
...Yes Grandpa Light...I know my mommy promised never to make me wear a dorkey headband...she just couldn't help it!!!