Monday, November 27, 2006

Santa Clause Parade in CP!!!

This is our Nephew Logan with his Grandpa and Nanny!!!
Uncle Brad is showing Logan how to walk!!! Yes, he is ONLY 4 month old...but he is VERY smart!!!
Logan with Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Nanny!!!
Brad and Stacy watching the Santa Clause Parade in CP!!! We could not have asked for a nicer evening ... the weather was GREAT!!!
Here comes the big guy himself!!! I've been REALLY GOOD ALL YEAR...Hope he noticed!!!
Watching the parade...
Abbie and Stacy...
Jason, Logan, Kim and Nanny:

After the Parade Uncle Bill and Aunt Patti-Ann invited us all over to their house for a VERY LOVELY meal and a few drinks....UMMMMMMM...
Thank you so much, everything was delicious!!! :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hope everyones belly's are filling today with TURKEY, GRAVY AND ALL THE FIXINS!!!! Yay!!!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hanging up the CHRISTMAS lights!!!

This past weekend it was warm enough and dry enough for Brad to hang our Christmas lights!!! Yay!!! This will be our third Christmas together and the third time we have hung the lights...Seems we finally have it down and this event occured without incedent!!!

I'm so excited...and now, with the pretty white lights up...I am ready for a bit of snow...!!!

Above are the lights the evening we hung them...
Above is my wonderful husband doing all the important hard work!!!
**My apologise for not keeping up with the blog the last week...but I had a terrible cold and zero energy. I'm now feeling MUCH better, so hopefully I will keep up a bit bettter...
Everyone have a great week!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Visit from an old friend!!!

Michael, Christine and Stacy:

This past Saturday I had a visit from an old friend of mine...This is Christine and her son Michael. They were visiting family in the area which gave us a chance to see each other for a few hours in the afternoon.

Chris and I met in grade nine...A VERY long time ago...16 years - ish...We were side by side through everything for four years. We always reminisce about the good ol days...we certainly had some fun times... Through the years we have stayed very good friends and although we don't get to see each other all that often or talk that often we are always able to pick up right where we left off...

Friday, November 10, 2006

What American Accent do you Have?!?!?!? QUIZ

Here's my results for this cool quize I took today!!! Thanks to Wanda and Dave who I 'copied' it from!!!
Apparently I have a North Central accent! I would aggree with that!!!

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: North Central

"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

The West
The Midland
The Inland North
The South
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Wow, where did the last week go??? I noticed that it has been OVER a week since I last updated the blog. Although we have both been "busy" we don't really have a whole lot new to report!!!
Last weekend we did have a great visit with Marc and Amanda who were intown overnight for the Dixie Chicks concert. After the concert that night they came to stay with us for the night. We stayed up the latest we've been up in a long time...LOL...I'm sure it was pat 3 am by the time we all hit the sack...but we had a great visit!
The next morning before our guests hit the road we (or should I say brad) put on one of his infamous breakfasts that generally are accompanied with a stay at Chez O'Neil...
We didn't do too much the rest of that weekend, but it was nice to relax a bit, that's for sure.
Can't really update too much for the last week either...nothing out of the ordinary...Just busy at work and relaxing in the evenings. God are we getting boring? NAhhhhh.....
Well I should mention one thing that is new these days...I started playing Volleyball again with the City of Ottawa "women in Sports" league. I forgot how muched I missed it since I haven't played the last 2 seasons. Anyway...It is glad to be back. Once my team starts actually winning some games ...maybe i'll post a few action pictures!!!!
Well that brings us up to date pretty much. It's Saturday morning...we just finished our big Saturday breakfast and trying to decide what to do this weekend!!!
Tune in Monday, hopefully I will have something exciting or perhaps a picture or to to share!
Everyone have a great weekend!!
Stacy & Brad xo