Monday, December 31, 2007


First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE!!! I hope you all were as blessed AND spoiled as the O'Neil's were this year!!!

Now I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed that our Annual Christmas letter did not get put out this year in our Christmas cards (or even on the blog)...what can I say...I guess the only thing to do is blame it on our Olivia who keeps us very busy!!! I guess technically we still have, oh...about 8 hours till we ring in the new year thus giving me a last chance to nutshell that annual letter...

I'll do so now...

Remember the highlight of last years letter of course was announcing that BRAD AND STACY were expecting their FIRST BABY!!! Early on in 07 we confirmed that this wee little bundle of joy (who we affectionately called sweet pea for 9 months) was to join our O'Neil family of two around July 24th...!!! The reality of it all hit us at our 18 week ultra sound when we got our first glimpse of sweet pea (an incredible feeling)!!! It was emotional (in a good way) and the excitement and anticipation of the arrival of our little one intensified to say the least!!! It's safe to say the first 7 months of this year was spent enjoying our first pregnancy (and a joy it was)!!!

You know it's amazing how fast the months went because before you knew it...there we were...July 24th (our "due date")...but no baby yet!

Three days later our wee baby decided to start the journey towards a whole new world and miss Olivia Michelle joined us on July 27, 2007 making us a beautiful family of three!!!

Brad and I are now the proud parents of this little baby girl (I always had the feeling she was a girl)!!! but...After all the books in the world, all the advise I got, the prenatal classes and all the other "preparations", I now tell people that there is nothing that can prepare you for the reality of having this wee person in our lives. That said it didn't take us too long to get the hang of things and I think Brad and I can both agree that Olivia's birth has so far been the best day of our lives and truly the most amazing experience for us both (as individuals and as a couple)!!!

This brings us to the second half of 07...The most amazing year of my life by far! Brad and I finally gave in and let Olivia be the boss of our family. Things run alot smoother now. I have learned that being a parent is the most rewarding opportunity life can offer. More so, I have learned that being a mother is the most AMAZING job I have ever had and will ever have... There is 'something' that happens to a women both physically ( and emotionally when she becomes a mother...But that something I have also learned can't be described in words (or at least not by me..)...It is so amazing though... a women never fully understands until that day when she becomes a like I's been an amazing year for our family (but especially for me).

Olivia enjoyed the lead up to the holidays attending several parties, parades and numerous Christmas shopping outings!!!

Christmas was a wonderful time for us this year and we had so many things to be thankful for... Each other, our new daughter and our families who we spent the holidays with. Olivia was extra lucky on her first Christmas as she was able to celebrate with both sets of grandparents. Olivia is very grateful to her grandma and grandpa Light who chose to make the trek up here to Ottawa to share this year with their granddaughter!!!

Anyway, I know this was a supper dupper nutshell version of our 2007 year, but know that it was a wonderful one for us (as we hope it was for you)...and we are looking forward to everything (positive) that 2008 is going to bring us!!!

Here is the little miss Christmas morning:

Olivia with her Grandma and Grandpa Light:

Our beautiful family of three:

Olivia with her Nanny and Grandma:

Olivia with her cousin Logan...taking a ride in his new wagon:

...So again, Merry Christmas to everyone and have a happy, health wonderful year in 2008!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


...Well I have to say one thing is for sure...ever since Miss Olivia hit the 3-month mark it seems we have a WONDERFUL little sleeper on our hands!!! Up until recently Olivia had been going to bed around 7pm...waking once in the night to eat (usually around 2am)...waking for the day around 6:30 am...Plus two 2-3 hr naps in the day!!! How luck are we?!?!? Well...If I could sleep (instead of still waking every 2 hours to check on her) that would be GREAT!!! Anyway... our little girl is still a great sleeper, however the last 2 weeks she has changed her sleeping schedule...Now she goes to bed between 6-7 pm (we are trying to get her consistently closer to 7) and she generally doesn't wake until morning between 5-6 am. WOW. Even waking that early she basically lays in her crib and 'plays and talks' until either mommy or daddy come to get her!!! What a GOOD girl! The only downfall of this long night sleep is her two (sometimes three) naps in the day have been reduced to an average of 45 ish minutes (less time for mommy to get her daily stuff done)...Anyway, like I said we are very proud of our wee girl!!!!

Last night around 4pm after a hard play with daddy, brad said she was getting a bit cranky and he would try and put her down for a short nap. Great I thought!...Went downstairs and put a load of laundry in came up 15 minutes later to check on the progress... find sleeping beauty and her side kick....indeed taking a short nap!!! How cute! I couldn't resist the photo!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Look at ALL our SNOWWWW....

Well's the out come of the big storm that came through today!!! I believe brad shovelled the driveway 3-4 times!!! Olivia and I watched (and waved) from the window :) If it wasn't so cold I would have taken her out to

Here's the front of our house!!! Oh yes, and ALSO, please admire the VERY pretty lights we have up for the holidays!!! Daddy Brad worked very hard on them :)

Here's our house looking on from the other side...

Our entrance way...

...and lastly...looking down our street!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Olivia is getting even stronger...!!!

In the last couple weeks Miss Olivia has been working very diligently on getting her back and stomach muscles very strong...She makes her best attempts at SITTING UP...and each time she 'folds over' less and stays upright for longer periods of time...!!! Olivia's mommy and daddy are very proud of her!!!


Often times Miss Olivia just wants to "HANG OUT' making it difficult to get ANYTHING done around here...
Daddy just goes with it...doesn't let her slow him down...
...I'm beginning to see that once this wee girl is mobile (walking especially)...Mommy is in BIG trouble!!! How will I ever keep

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our little Christmas helper!!!

Olivia is helping her daddy and mommy put the lights on the Christmas tree!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Olivia's FIRST visit with Santa Clause!!!

Olivia had her very first visit with Santa Clause and she was SUCH A GOOD GIRL!!! She wasn't too sure about letting him hold her at first...but with Brad and I jumping around and being silly behind the camera we FINALLY got a wee smile from her!!!

Olivia Michelle

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

...GEARING up for the HOLIDAYS!!!

Olivia is getting VERY excited about her FIRST CHRISTMAS!!! She is on her way to see Santa Clause today since she never did get her letter to Santa written!!! Her wish list is short and sweet, just like her!
4 1/2 months old


Olivia trying to help daddy open his birthday prezzies!!!
Olivia and daddy on his birthday!!!

To the best hubby...and daddy in the whole wide world...

Hope you are having your best birthday ever!!! We are so happy that we have had a FOUR day weekend to celebrate with you!!!
Stacy and Olivia

Monday, December 03, 2007

Olivia is FOUR months old already?!?!?!?

Olivia turned 4 months old on the 27th!!! I can not beleive how quickly the time goes. She is doing SO amazing. She has developed quite the personality now!!! She is so much like both Brad and I in her looks and personality. She is full of laughs and smiles. She has recently mastered rolling and is currently desperately trying to crawl (or at least scoot herself from point A to point be). I amazes us the new "things" Olivia seems to do every single day and both daddy and I REALLY enjoy our time with her!
Olivia is currently gearing up for her first christmas which she is lucky enough that she will be surrounded by LOTS of family...including BOTH sets of grandparents!!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Not quite 2 months old here:

Mommy and Olivia with Grandma and Grandpa Light!!! Olivia was VERY happy to have them visiting with us and helping us out!!! We can't wait for them to visit again!!! xoxox

Nanny and Grandpa McCready

...After several visits to the hospital Nanny and Grandpa come to visit Olivia at her new home as well. They are very proud!!!

Images to bring you up-to-date!!!'s gonna take me a few days to get the blog caught up and I'll do so mostly by posting pics for now...Here's just a few to start!!!

This is Daddy cuddling our beautiful daughter just before we were released from our 3 days stay at the hospital:
Here is our gorgeous Olivia Michelle not even 24 hours old. Sleeping beauty:
This is mom and babe...totally pooped from labor and delivery. That said, I still say it was the most amazing experience I have ever had (even with NO epidural)!!!
This is Olivia Michelle just minutes old. She joined our family on July 27, 2007 at 7:47 pm. She weighed 8lbs and 13 oz. She was very alert from the beginning:

Monday, October 29, 2007

An Apology to our Faithful Readers!!!

...No...We are not still 38 a weeks pregnant as our blog has suggested the last 3 months. For that we are very sorry!!!
You may have guessed we now have a beautiful addition to our family!!!
Olivia Michelle O'Neil joined Brad and I on July 27th, 2007 at 7:47pm. She weighed 8lbs and 13oz!!! Labor and Delivery went well for mom, dad, baby and grandparents (who were also there for the big event).
Olivia is the most amazing gift I (mom) could ever have been given and with her here now I certainly can't imagine our lives without her.
Mom, dad and Olivia are now in a bit of a routine which has made all parties much happier!!!
Olivia is 3 months old already and we can not believe how quickly the time is passing by. She has developed quite the personality over the last 3 months. Most recently she has started to really laugh which totally melts our hearts.
Unfortunately I can't post pictures right now, but as soon as we get the technical difficulties ironed out I promise to make up for it!!!
I will update the blog more regularly now and hope you all enjoy sharing in our life (again) ...and now with the star...Olivia.
'Till next time,
The O'Neil's

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

With mommy feeling huge at 38 weeks...and daddy having to put up with all mommy's complains ...we are eager to meet our little one who is due in about 2 weeks (July 24, 2007)!!!!

Here's mommy praying that things start happening ANY day now:

We haven't named him yet, but we do have a pet chipmunk who has grown on us. I think the feeling are mutual. He loves for us to give him nuts (which he now takes right from our hand) and well we love that he entertains us in the evenings by begging for his treats and then hurring away to hide them!!!!
Here is the Chipmunks hideaway!!! Gosh knows how elaborate this hole/tunnle is under our house!!!
This is the baby Robin that didn't quite catch on to the whole flying thing...BUT it's be a few weeks now and although his flying is not perfect he definitely has improved!!! Whenever he gets stumpped his mom and dad come to feed him and encourage him to try again!!!
Robins nest in the hedge. Two eggs...Still no babies!!! Can't wait for the new arrivals!!!!!

We also have a bunny who frequents our yard and seems used to us...but unfortunately i can't find one of the MANY picture that I am sure my husband has taken?!?!? Maybe in the next addition of "critters"!!!!
Sue and her dad walking down the isle:
Sue-z-q and her new husband, First Dance:
Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil (and sweet pea) at the wedding:
Stacy and Christine (We went to highschool with the bride):

***Sue and Leo...Thank you again for inviting us to share in your perfect, most beautiful day with you. We had a wonderful time! xoxoxo***

Monday, June 11, 2007

Another busy weekend!!!

The last two weekends have been pretty busy for us, which is great, since the busy factor SOMETIMES takes my mind off my big countdown!!!

The weekend before last:
Girls Night on Friday night...Had a few of my girls over to Chez O'Neil for a lovely potluck BBQ...Everyone brought a little something and my wonderful husband stuck around long enough to cook up some yummy burgers and sausages for us to eat!!! Luckily the weather held out for us (it was supposed to rain) which was great because we got to sit out on the deck and enjoy the yard, good food, drink and company...:)
Thanks Ladies for a wonderful time!!!

That Saturday was the first of two of our labor and delivery classes. To say the least I was LESS than impressed with the day so I won't expand on that...

On Sunday, Brad's Sister Kim, Aunt Dorothy and Cousin Rena threw me a little baby shower in anticipation of our little sweet pea!!! The shower was even themed "SWEAT PEA" which I thought was REALLY CUTE!!! Thanks to the 3 hostesses for a great event :) It also was a wonderful afternoon with good food, drink and company...Oh and of course LOTS of really cool gifts!!! Thank everyone for the great day and memories!!!

This past weekend...Also very busy:

On Friday night we headed out to Perth to watch Madison (Brad's goddaughter) perform in her very first dance recital!!! She was definitely a super-star and we totally enjoyed ourselves!!! Thanks Madison for entertaining us!!!

On Saturday we had the second (and last) of our labor and delivery classes. It definitely went better than the first class as in the information and exercises were a bit more useful...But to tell you the truth...I don't feel anymore prepared to give birth than I did before...just a whole lot more frightened!!!
Saturday evening we went down for a little walk and checked out WESTFEST!
Sunday was exciting for me as well...I finally got to check out UPPER CANADA VILLAGE!!! It was pretty cool and a beautiful day out!!! Thanks Hubby for taking me there and for the wonderful picnic lunch!!!

Stacy & Brad at Upper Canada Village:

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Job posting : Mid week funny!!!

Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop

Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, Often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends
and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities!
Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. >

The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, >until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and >janitorial work throughout the facility.

None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

BENEFITS : While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth >and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Amanda and Jarred building their deck!!! GO TEAM!!! Looks GREAT too :)

CONGRATULATIONS Carol-Ann and Don!!!

Carol-Ann and Don - May 26, 2007 - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thanks for inviting us to share your special day with you!! We had a great time :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Tonight is the 2nd game for the STANLEY CUP final round!!!
OTTAWA is pumped and ready to go!!!
Hopefully game one scared them enough to pull up their socks and kill the ducks tonight!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Feeding the ducks...and various other wildlife!!!

Crazy Squirrel!!!
Mama and Papa Duck and their baby ducks!!!
Handsome Husband!!! Picture of his GOOD side?!?!? Hehehehe!!!
The O'Neil's:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random Pics...

SERIOUS GAME PLAYING (Cranium and Pictionary - all in 1 night)!!!
Notice who MISS INNOCENT IS HERE...ahahaha:
BOOOO TEAM...ahahahaha, Hey it's my blog, I can cheer on whoever I want LOL: