Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Last night Olivia had her very 1st gymnastics class!!! It was SO cute! She is entered in the recreational Gym class with kids ages 18months-3years old! This is provided through the City of Gatineau and taught through omnigym. The coaches were fantastic - very young, tolerant and energetic! We loved that instruction was provided in both French and English - great in ensuraning Olivia's biligualism!

Olivia outside the house, on our way to her first class!!!
...she was excellent! She did not get shy at all and was so excited by all the kids and the actual gymnastics equipment! She participated (and in my opinion excelled) at every station...lol!

Walking sideways and balancing...
Walking backwards and balancing...
..the great big bouncy floor! She loved this and was jumping like a complete maniac!
...Waiting her turn for the parallel bars! TOO CUTE!
...heading into a somersault!!!
...Warm up exercises!
...just taking it all in!
We had a blast. The class is once a week and 40 minutes long. We now know why it is only 40 minutes (besides making sure they keep the attention of these wee toddlers)... both brad and I (and Olivia) were completely exhausted by the end of it!
Olivia's wardrobe, provided by Grandma. SO ADORABLE!
We look forward to what next week brings!
We have several videos (which are super cute) but I'm having a difficult time getting them to upload today!!!!

My godson! and a nice visit with friends!

We enjoyed a lovely evening this past weekend with friends of ours Mel and Stan and my godson, Wyatt. He is such a little sweetie!!!! And Full of smiles!!!
Olivia was very good with him too! A little jealous if she felt Mommy was giving him too much attention, but good nonetheless. She did play with him and pay attention to him and was very eager to hold him a=on several occasions!!! "mommy, yaya (Olivia) hold"? Too Cute!

At Darren and Melissa's House!

We enjoyed a lovely evening hosted by Darren this year on fathers day!

Olivia and Nanny checking out all the flora!
The dad's and one dad-to-be!

Thank you uncle Darren for a lovely time (Aunt Melissa, unfortunately, had to work)...


A little pre-father's day get together at Abbie's place!!!

The Girls:
Olivia with her DADDY!
My hair stylist!
Some daddy's!
Alison's hair stylist!
What a cutie!

Olivia at Gibson's2nd birthday party!!!

Photos not in Order:
This was Gibson's finale...a little dance from Olivia...notice her stage.
Gibson and his NEW TRICYCLE!!! YAY!!!
...opening presents!
...the parents enjoying the present opening!
...more presents!
...After playing outside...SOAK AND WET!!!!
Gibson and his cool cake!!!!
...Playing in the back yard! WATER FUN! It was CCCCOLD...Gibson did not care...
Olivia and Gibson having fun!
Fun with balloons!
The kids!
Gibson greeting his party guests...
Olivia all dolled up for the party :)

Olivia's Earrings?!?!?!?

Those of you on FB may recall our all day temper tantrum that revolved around Olivia wanting earrings (just like mommy). No, we didn't break down and get her ears pierced...but we did manage to snag these lovely earrings (clip ons) from walmart to calm down the tantrum!!! lol They also came with a matching ring and tiara ....lol
That said, she is now frightened to death of earrings and refuses to put them on. Not even the cool stick on earrings that Grandma gave her :(

Monday, June 29, 2009

From the first weekend in June!

Earlier this month I had the chance to fly out to Calgary to visit one of my closest friend Nadia!!! It was my first time away from Olivia. It was hard, but we both did survive! I had a great time with Nadia! We did some baby shopping (she is expecting mid/late July), relaxing, movie watching and catching up! It was ALOT of fun!

Here are the two hot mama's...Nadia 34 (?) week pregnant and me 16 weeks pregnant!...lol Who woulda thought?!?!?

Miss my Nadia!!!!!
Hope to see you again real soon - next time with that sweet little munchkin of yours!!!! xo

Friday, June 19, 2009

18 weeks pregnant

Well here it is, my first preggo pic with Baby O Ver.2.0!!! Oddly i feel allot "smaller" at this stage with this pregnancy....But seeing as i really don't want to gain the 65 pregnancy pounds i did with Miss Olivia, maybe this is a good thing!

I can't believe this is the first official pregnancy pic I've taken of this poor child....with Olivia I had the weekly and religiously from 4 weeks and on LOL....And the neglect begins....

Anyway here it is:

(17 weeks pregnant)
(17 weeks pregnant)
I have to say, this pregnancy much like Olivia's has been pretty uneventfully (thankfully). I have had very little morning sickness and thankfully the stage of complete exhaustion lasted only about 14 weeks. My OB appointments and ultrasound to date have all been well. I will admit that the time is going by way to fast . I'm trying to enjoy every minute I can as I know once Baby O Ver. 2.0 arrives the time will pass even quicker and then i'll have two to be sad over how quickly they grow through each stage!!