Friday, December 22, 2006


Dear Family and Friends,

Welcome to the first official "O'Neil Family Christmas letter"!!!

It has been a VERY exciting Year for the O'Neil's...A whirl-wind some might say, but a tonne of fun at the same time...

The REAL excitement began when Brad accepted a new Job which allowed him to move back to the Ottawa area from Toronto and finally this allowed him and Stacy to be in the same city once again...He packed up his belongings and headed home on Thursday night… His first day at the new job and first day back in Ottawa officially would be Monday December 5th...!!!

A lot happened that first weekend home. Brad and Stacy moved in together...Brad proposed to Stacy the following afternoon. That afternoon and evening they spent sharing their BIG NEWS...with EVERYONE!!! The following day Brad celebrated his 30th birthday!!! Talk about packing a lot in....?!?!?!?

Christmas last year seemed to sneak up on us with all the excitement, but I guess it does every year!!! Brad and Stacy stayed in Ottawa last year for Christmas and celebrated with the O'Neil/McCready clan (Brad's Family)! Brads sister Kim and her husband Jason also shared exciting news with the family over the holidays...They were expecting their first Child come July 2006...What and Exciting year it was gearing up to be...

Early in the new year came talks of the wedding...planning etc. Thank goodness mama light was able to make a trip up early in the new year, to help put the planning in perspective...It was a very successful weekend...I believe we actually chose a wedding date, picked a venue and bought THE DRESS all in that weekend!!! Oh we also went to a wedding that was a hoot!!! Stacy and brad set a date to marry on July 15, 2006 and much of the winter and spring involved planning for la part-y!!!

By spring and four months after Brad, Stacy would also celebrate a milestone birthday...the big 3-0!!! Something she had been dreading for the last 5 years (since she nearly fell apart on her 25th...)...BUT, It was a fantastic birthday, and turning 30 didn't turn out to be all that bad after all...

In May Brad started another new job, with a new security company. It was a great move for him as he is since been spending less time out of town for work. Things seem to be working out great with the new company so far...Stacy still works at a law firm in the intellectual property department in downtown Ottawa and loves her job...

The spring and summer consisted of road trips (days and weekends), baby showers (Kim) and wedding showers (Stacy)...which in turn meant that Brad got to do quite a bit of golfing early on in the summer...Stacy never even swung a club this summer...a little disappointing, BUT, she had more important things on her mind...

July arrived before Brad and Stacy ever imagined...They welcomed the arrival of their new nephew (Logan)...who actually arrived the day of their Wedding rehearsal party on July 14th...!!!

On July 15th, Brad and Stacy married and it was the just the beginning of their happily ever after...The weather was perfect (ok, it was a little HOT)…They were surrounded by many close family and friends who came from near and far. It was so amazing to see so many people there to share in our special day. Especially for Stacy it was a little extra special because she was able to see a lot of her family and friends that she rarely sees because of the distance. The O'Neil's thank you all again for an amazingly special time!

Following the wedding, Stacy and Brad hopped in their car and headed out for their ROAD TRIP HONEYMOON...They had an absolute blast...visiting such places as...upper state New York, Vermont, Rhode Island and Cape Cod. They saw a lot in the 5 days they were gone...and plan to see more of the east coast soon...

The rest of the summer and early fall was spent by the new happy couple (now offiacially THE O'NEIL'S), enjoying each other as well as attending several more weddings for good friends of ours...It was like an extended party of our own !!!!

The O'Neil's spent a good part of the fall relaxing in Ottawa/Gatinea and now gearing up for winter I suppose...

Just recently we've shared some more exciting news with our friends and, if you haven't heard yet, the O'Neil's are expecting their first child in late July, 2007!!! Like they say, Never a dull moment... and it’s obvious they couldn't be more thrilled and will look forward to the next few months preparing for the little one and facing all the fun times and challenges that might come with the new baby!!!

Brad and Stacy will be spending the holidays again this year in the Ottawa and with the McCready's. Mama Light will arrive for a short visit just after the holidays which we are very excited for. Unfortunately papa light will be working and in south America , unable to join us this visit.

So,...It has been a very exciting year for the O’Neil’s and they are looking forward to the upcoming year even more now...

Hope this letter finds you and your family doing well!!!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and of course all the Best for the upcoming 2007!!!

Stacy and Brad


Totally Loopy said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and all the family, near & far, and hoping that 2007 is slightly less of a whirlwind!

growing up said...

Stacy and Brad:
We very happy that you made it through the whirlwind:) Now that there is an addition dont expect it to slow down...I think it only goes faster at this point (if I remember correctly)

Love to you both
Ken and Theresa and girls

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Stacy and Brad!

I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season. Your whirlwind has just begun now that you have a little one on the way!!!!! Don't worry though- we are worth every moment of excitement- just ask my mommy.

Sending lots of love and warm wishes for you and your families.
