Thursday, July 06, 2006

Is it just us or...?

Last night we were talking...

...And ... Where the heck is the time going? It's nearly the middle of July already?!?!?! Which is great because this is a really exciting time for us with the wedding in only 9 days...BUT...Where has our summer gone??? It's already half over...??? BOO. :(

What we don't understand is how on earth is it, that when we were kids our summer vacation seemed to last forever? And THAT was only 8 weeks long.

Someone once told me that the older you get the faster time goes by. How unfair is that. And how true. Somedays feel like a movie scene, you know...When your life is flashing in full color right before your eyes...So fast you can barely make out the images. How do we slow that down over the next oh say 60 years....? There's no doubt we will indeed enjoy these next many many years, especially together... But how do we make our summer vacations (and fall, winter and spring vacations for that matter) last forever...Like when we were kids?

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