Monday, July 31, 2006

Babies on board!!!

Well, I realize and apologize for the fact that the blog is in need of serious updating...
But between having SO MUCH to do (mostly at work) and being SO TOTALLY UNMOTIVATED (coming down off wedding/vacation high)...I just haven't been on the ball.

That said, although VERY LATE on both counts, today I will announce on the blog two new arrivals (please forgive the very vague details....I will edit once I have them in hand and know they are correct):

Born on July 14th, 2006...We congratulated Kim and Jason on their first baby!!! YAY!!! I think it was a long haul for mom, but mom and baby are both fine. We would like to welcome our new NEPHEW (yay, I HAVE A NEPHEW) LOGAN into the world!!!

Born on July 26th, 2006...We congratulate Andrea Brad (very dear friends) on their second addition to the family. Andrea and Brad gave little Zac a baby brother!!! YAY!!! Everyone is doing well!!! We welcome little LUKAS BRADLEY DAVID into the world!!!

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