Monday, December 31, 2007


First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE!!! I hope you all were as blessed AND spoiled as the O'Neil's were this year!!!

Now I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed that our Annual Christmas letter did not get put out this year in our Christmas cards (or even on the blog)...what can I say...I guess the only thing to do is blame it on our Olivia who keeps us very busy!!! I guess technically we still have, oh...about 8 hours till we ring in the new year thus giving me a last chance to nutshell that annual letter...

I'll do so now...

Remember the highlight of last years letter of course was announcing that BRAD AND STACY were expecting their FIRST BABY!!! Early on in 07 we confirmed that this wee little bundle of joy (who we affectionately called sweet pea for 9 months) was to join our O'Neil family of two around July 24th...!!! The reality of it all hit us at our 18 week ultra sound when we got our first glimpse of sweet pea (an incredible feeling)!!! It was emotional (in a good way) and the excitement and anticipation of the arrival of our little one intensified to say the least!!! It's safe to say the first 7 months of this year was spent enjoying our first pregnancy (and a joy it was)!!!

You know it's amazing how fast the months went because before you knew it...there we were...July 24th (our "due date")...but no baby yet!

Three days later our wee baby decided to start the journey towards a whole new world and miss Olivia Michelle joined us on July 27, 2007 making us a beautiful family of three!!!

Brad and I are now the proud parents of this little baby girl (I always had the feeling she was a girl)!!! but...After all the books in the world, all the advise I got, the prenatal classes and all the other "preparations", I now tell people that there is nothing that can prepare you for the reality of having this wee person in our lives. That said it didn't take us too long to get the hang of things and I think Brad and I can both agree that Olivia's birth has so far been the best day of our lives and truly the most amazing experience for us both (as individuals and as a couple)!!!

This brings us to the second half of 07...The most amazing year of my life by far! Brad and I finally gave in and let Olivia be the boss of our family. Things run alot smoother now. I have learned that being a parent is the most rewarding opportunity life can offer. More so, I have learned that being a mother is the most AMAZING job I have ever had and will ever have... There is 'something' that happens to a women both physically ( and emotionally when she becomes a mother...But that something I have also learned can't be described in words (or at least not by me..)...It is so amazing though... a women never fully understands until that day when she becomes a like I's been an amazing year for our family (but especially for me).

Olivia enjoyed the lead up to the holidays attending several parties, parades and numerous Christmas shopping outings!!!

Christmas was a wonderful time for us this year and we had so many things to be thankful for... Each other, our new daughter and our families who we spent the holidays with. Olivia was extra lucky on her first Christmas as she was able to celebrate with both sets of grandparents. Olivia is very grateful to her grandma and grandpa Light who chose to make the trek up here to Ottawa to share this year with their granddaughter!!!

Anyway, I know this was a supper dupper nutshell version of our 2007 year, but know that it was a wonderful one for us (as we hope it was for you)...and we are looking forward to everything (positive) that 2008 is going to bring us!!!

Here is the little miss Christmas morning:

Olivia with her Grandma and Grandpa Light:

Our beautiful family of three:

Olivia with her Nanny and Grandma:

Olivia with her cousin Logan...taking a ride in his new wagon:

...So again, Merry Christmas to everyone and have a happy, health wonderful year in 2008!!!

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