All the time people ask me..."so, where are you from"? least favorite question...but a good one. Where am I from? Well I didn't live in the town I was born in all that long... and I haven't been there in YEARS...we also moved around quite a bit between the US and Canada ...No, my parents were/are not fugitives...Dad is in the mining industry... so i never say I am "from" those places...
Anyway, I came across these photo's earlier in the week. They are of a place my parents and I lived for MANY years (nearly half my life I guess)...
It is a small mining community mining located on the northern tip of Baffin Island called Nanisivik (Inuktatuuk for: the place where people find things).
This is a photo of the town-site (summer). You can also see apart of the mill. And Yes...that is what we liked to call our waterfront property...Lancaster sound/the arctic ocean...
This is a photo (again of the town-site). Clearly its winter...but my guess would be it's nearing looks awfully light out to be the dead of winter LOL
Living in the North is definitely a different lifestyle. The years I spent there were probably some of the best. I learned so many things, saw things your average Joe will never see in a lifetime and it seems I have met a lot of pretty amazing people who's path I crossed while there. I've always said if you ever get the opportunity to see the north...DO IT. It is a magnificent and beautiful place (in it's own way)...
It's funny actually. I'm sitting here looking at these photo on earth did I end up to be such a "city girl".
Anyway - Just wanted to post these for fun...!!! Thanks for looking and everyone ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!!
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