Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Totally HOT CHICKS!!!!

This Post is especially for my mama...who made a personal rescue to the poor little hens and chicks that you see below. Before their rescue, I sadly admit that they were on a dowhill road living inside with me. Their pots were too small and the light hardly adequate. The last time mama Light was in town she transplanted them into nicer, bigger pots and put them outside... They have since been thriving!!!

I am happy to report that ALL chicks have made it and we even have some new offspring since the transplant...YAY!!! Thanks mom...from me and from the totally hot chickadees!!! :)

1 comment:

growing up said...

Ok well I thought I was the only one who could terminate the life of a hen and chick:) My neighbor had to come over and explain to me they do better outside and in the ground. Now I have so many I am handing them out to the other neighbors.

They look beautiful.