Monday, May 29, 2006

A good week just passed...I made it through month end at work (well I still have 2 days technically to get through)...which is a huge accomplishment for's the first one since Ange (friend/coworker) transferred with our firm out to Vancouver...So I am handling the billing in our department...Scary but...With any luck nothing major will come back and bite me in the....well you know. A big thank you to Ange for being SO patient with my phonecalls since she left :) Next month is sure to be better!!!!

Brad also started a new job/position here in Ottawa last week. So far so good. Seems to be a great company with a bright future. What we've seen so far it looks like he will be a part of a pretty good team!

Another great weekend to report!!! A big thank you to mother nature for providing an appropriate amount/combination/timing of rain and shine!!! It truly was a beautiful weekend. We have the tans (or burns in my case) to prove it!!!

This great weather of course means that NOTHING (or not alot anyway) was accomplished inside the house. No major activity outside..just the usual...lawn mowing, watering, weed pulling and car washing...Fun none the less.

We went and saw The Da Vinci Code. A pretty good movie in my opinion. I read the book first, so to to say the least I was a little skeptical about the movie. I thought it was well done (if you consider how much had to be crammed into two and a half hours. Apparently the movie is doing quite well at the box office as well. To be honest though...even though yes, it was a good movie I really only rushed out to see it to see what all the hype was about...The movie is probably just as good if you wait till it comes out on DVD. But, that's just my opinion.

Some notable events this weekend:

First, I meant to do post for these two events on the actual days...but unfortunately the time got away from me, so I apologize and will insert here:

Happy Anniversary to mama and papa Light who celebrated 31 years on May 18th!!!
Also, Happy Anniversary to mama Christine and papa Jim who celebrated 21 years on May 25th!!!

My cousin Shaun was married this weekend!!! Congratulations to Shaun and Jessica who were married this past Saturday in California!!! We really wish we could have made it out there to share the day with you guys!!! We can't wait to see the pics and here the stories (and with dad and uncle Dennis at a party together...I am SURE there will be stories)!!! Again...CONGRATS!!! We are very happy for the two of you.

Saturday also Celebrated the birthdays of Laura and her son Eddie!!! Happy birthday(s) again!!! We had a wonderful time on Saturday visiting and celebrating with you!!!

...and last but not least...CONGRATS to Abbie and her roommate Allie...who moved into their new apartment this weekend!!! It is a very cute little place!!! I think you guys will enjoy it, especially once you are all settled in!!! Let us know if you guys need anything else, OK!!!

Well that is about all for now... :)

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