Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Festival of the Maples - Perth Ontario

...An early start to our day on Saturday... After a fantastic greasy breakfast at Thruway (sp?) we ventured out to Perth for something called Festival of the Maples...


It was nice. The weather was great...There were lots treats...The crowds were not too annoying...So yes, it was nice.

I have some Video footage...I may post it later (for a laugh)...

Later on in the afternoon we had a wonderful visit and lunch with Jamie and Marilyn and Max (Photo shown). Video to follow...

After a long day in the sun and outdoors..What better way to wind down then at Pat and Michelle's in Ottawa for a cold beer and a glimpse of the hockey game!!!


Ahhh another wonderful day. And quite frankly...How lucky am I to get to spend days like these with such a wonderful fiance...?!?!?!

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