Monday, January 19, 2009

Our ARTIST in Early January!!!! usual my pics posted backwards LOL!

Here is Olivia more than willing to go get cleaned up!!!
Not impressed at all that the paint is "cccold" and that she is "dirty"...:( Those were her exact words. Olivia was less than thrilled by this first time painting project!
...the set up....Our project lasted less than 5 minutes and Olivia was ready to be done!


Wanda said...

Oh Miss Olivia!! Gorgeous paintings!!! Now I am sure Mommy and Daddy would love to let you broaden your painting horizons on the wall;) hee hee Just kidding!! I am in no way responsible for any additional painting that may take place!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwh! What an artist you are Olivia!! We will have to have a painting date sometime! Maybe I will get inspired to do my own painting!! lol And don't worry Olivia, Abbie won't make you paint with your fingers!! lol