Monday, January 26, 2009

Playdate with the Neighbour boy!

Philip is the little boy who lives next door. He is 5 weeks older than Olivia. We went to Philips house this weekend for a play date :)

Hugging GOOD BYE after the date!!! Cute now. I 15 years from now Brad and I will be having heart attacks no doubt!
Olivia and Philip chillin' out together...
...Havin' a quick drink!
Philip, Chris and Olivia - CHEERS!!!
Checking that ALL the toys are functional...
Olivia taking Philips ride for a quick spin!
"Here Olivia, just let me show you something"
Opa supervising the kids?

"Okay, what did that GIRL do to my bike"!!!
Philip with his daddy!

...and, now onto hockey :)
Olivia: what the heck do I do with this thing?
Taking time for a snack.
Reading stories!


We like to play downstairs in the playroom VERY early on Saturday and Sunday mornings!

Olivia sitting in her baby's stroller...
...just relaxing...
...Sometimes Olivia likes to see how far she can go before she 'gets in trouble'...She is NOT allowed to stand on the furniture...
"Hi mama...Hi daddy..."

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Not too young to put to work!!!

Olivia and Daddy doing some WORK!
What a big girl Olivia!!!!
...Of course we always have time for PLAY!!!!

Lunch date with Gabriella!!!

We enjoyed a nice lunch with Friends Al and Corinne and daughter Gabriella last weekend!!!
Olivia giving Gabriella hugs:
Gabriella and Olivia are just about 1 year apart. It won't be long before these two are running around together...probably causing

Olivia and Gibson - Playdate

Gibson, boyfriend as we call him, and Olivia have been getting together for play dates, well, basically their whole They are VERY good friends! It's so fun for Alison and I to watch them together as they grow through each of their stages. It's amazing sometimes as we remember that very first play date they had together (maybe 2 months old), where we socialized and they basically ate, slept and rested on a blanket on the floor staring at each other. They were SO tiny!!!

18 months later, here they are...reading stories to each other:
Olivia convinced Blaine to read her a could you say no to THAT little face...
Playtime!!! Olivia and Gibson in a room together for as little as 5 minutes together = TORNADO!!!
Time for a break...ans a SNACK!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

SNOW FUN! (Early January)

Playing at the park in the winter!!! YAY SWINGS!!!!
The O'Neil's at the toboggan hill!!!
Daddy and Olivia going down the hill (we have since bought a bigger toboggan for sliding)
Olivia and Mommy in her sleigh!!!
Olivia LOVES to be outside!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our ARTIST in Early January!!!! usual my pics posted backwards LOL!

Here is Olivia more than willing to go get cleaned up!!!
Not impressed at all that the paint is "cccold" and that she is "dirty"...:( Those were her exact words. Olivia was less than thrilled by this first time painting project!
...the set up....Our project lasted less than 5 minutes and Olivia was ready to be done!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


We had a fabulous time in Punta cana and our hotel was fantastic. It is a place that although as with most things in life DID have it's pro's and con's. But like I said we DID enjoy it very much and would totally recommend it to our friends and family!
The scenery was beautiful, the staff was extremely friendly, the service at the hotel was fabulous. The rooms, perhaps not 5 star, but they were very nice and the beach gorgeous, pools clean....

TOO FUN!!!! We started out clean...

...Just before getting into our buggy...We bought the bandannas after the state we saw the group before us come back in - boy are we glad we did!!!
...after the first "puddle" there was no sense in trying to stay clean...or warm...or SHOULD HAVE
SOAKED and MUDDY (it had just poored rain about an hour before we arrived at the ranch!
...STILL having fun though!


Olivia did pick up some Spanish while we were in the Dominican Republic...It didn't take long at all for her to add "Hola", "Adios" and "Ciao ciao" to her vocabulary...I have to admit it was SOOO CUTE!!! Now that we are home she still does throw out the odd "Hola" and "Ciao ciao", but usually only if prompted...