Reading to her baby:
Here are some notable milestone we have noticed as of late with you...
How you are growing:
you poke, bang, turn and twist everything you can reach.
you have mastered standing (and stooping and standing) and walking and now love to RUN everywhere you go!
You are very interested in small things like crumbs, bugs and pebbles. You love our landscaping rocks outside!
You spend a lot of time just staring at things and examining them. This is how you are learning.
You don't like any kind of restraint. You generally give in when it's time to sit in your highchair because you love to eat!
You want to explore everything.
you seem to be afraid of the dark...? We put a pink night light in your room so it isn't so dark...
How you talk:
You have mastered simple words.
You look in the right direction when we ask things like: "Where's Daddy?" "Where's the ball?" "Where's the kitty?"
You love to wave bye-bye or HI if we ask.
You can let you know when you want something like a glass of milk.
You really try hard to make us understand you.
You LOVE to repeat words and sentences that we say.
You have begun to understand the names of some people, animals, and things that are important to you.
Sometimes you like us to tell you the names of things pictured in a book and sometimes you tell us... But you don't like stories very much yet.
What you are learning:
You are learning what we will let you do and what we won't.
you like to empty anything you can get to -- dresser drawers, kitchen cabinets, trash cans...your toy bin!
You like to put things back in containers -- sometimes!
You like to imitate our actions.
You have learned how to get us and other adults to help you do things.
You sometimes scream just to show us how powerful you are.
Sometimes -- not often -- you will respond to a firm "no-no." Right now you are more into telling mommy and daddy "no-no"
You have not yet learned what is dangerous for you to do. You are very excited that you can climb things, but forget that once your have climbed may be a fair distance down...
How You get along with others:
You love to have people watch you and clap for you.
Your starting to do cute things just to get our attention....we LOVE this!!!
You show you love us with LOTS of hugs and kisses -- and we of course hug and kiss you back ALL THE TIME!
You still like to keep mommy and daddy in sight when when you are exploring.
Too often, You drop things just to get us to pick them up for you...this is not mommy and daddy's favorite game!
You are beginning to adjust to baby-sitters (you love when Abbie comes to play with you), but you're still very shy with strangers!
You don't like playing in a room by yourself very love mom or dad or your grandparents to play with you!
You occasionally have tantrums and throw things when your angry.
Lynne and Tammy assure us you are playing well with the other kids (the babies your age especially).
What You can do for yourself:
If we help you a bit, you can hold a cup and drink from it.
You like to take off your hat, shoes, socks and pants, but you can't put them back on yet even though you try very hard!
You can hold a spoon/fork, and are starting to get better at using it!.
you love to feed yourself with your hands, and occasionally smear food on your face.
You can open and close doors.
Play that you enjoy:
You like to put little things in big things...!
You can play alone (you have a wonderful imagination). But mostly, you like to play with mommy and daddy -- especially chase-me, find-me games and gentle rough-housing!!!
You LOVE to listen to music and dance to and grandma do ALOT of this when she is here!!! Nanny and Grandpa McCready are always dancing a singing with you too!
You are beginning to like pretend play!
You love to sing and do the actions to WHEELS ON THE BUS!!!
This update was great for Aunt Theresa...I loved reading all the good things you are doing...keep it up.
Love ya
Little Princess you are learning a lot and we are impressed with our "Little Miss Swiffer Canada" I'm ready to play and so in Grandma she missed you more than you can imagine and so does Grandpa.
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