Thursday, April 12, 2007


We went to visit mama and papa Light this year for the easter weekend...and my birthday also happened to fall on this weekend!!! Very exciting. Our trip was great, but way too short :(

Brad emailed the easter bunny to let him know that we would not be home this year and where we could be found if we were lucky enough to make the easter bunny's GOOD BOOKS this year (which we were)...

Here is the picture of the Easter bunny (he is about the size of my palm) who was found in the garage and then later made a little nest under the front step:

Here is a pic of Mama and Papa Light AND Brad and Myself...oh, and of course SWEET PEA who is also there with us, but will remain camera shy for another 3 months. This photo was taken at the Cresent hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas:

Here is Brad and I atRoaring River State Park (at the fish hatchery) , MO:

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