Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Downstairs Bathroom...

...Is currently undergoing a few minor renovation...
I say "minor" although thing aren't currently looking too "MINOR" as the toilet and the sink are both currently sitting out in the hallway...
I should dig out some before pictures!!! I'll definitely take a few during and after shots as well to post VERY SOON - I hope :)

Brad worked very diligently on Saturday sanding down walls, and laying down plywood in preparations for the renos!!! While he was doing this I was giving the main level of the house a good clean, however, 3 days later and you would never know it :(

Hopefully before the weekend we can at least get the walls primed and ready to paint...and if we're feeling super ambitious maybe even get the flooring started...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with your renovations, but remember not to go to crazy Stacy. I am sure that you will have the nicest looking bathroom ever. Will your bathroom have little ducks everywhere like mine?

Lots of hugs,
