Friday, March 31, 2006

Thoughts For Today

Well, we have been engaged now for 4 (wonderful) months...With that, has come alot of (much appreciated) advice ... Today I thought I would post some of the most important ones, cause sometimes in our hectic lives we tend to forget...I think it is very important that we try and remind ourselves of these things daily...

15 Ways to Be a Better Partner

Talk. Talking may seem so basic, but believe it or not it is one of the most neglected aspects of a relationship. Sometimes one partner can take the other for granted or maybe they are just too tired at the end of the day to talk, but remember - talking need only be a recap of your day and it could lead to other discussions. Talking is the foundation of every relationship, so always remember to say something.

Listen. If talking is not your strong point, then listen to what your lover has to say. Perhaps she needs to communicate with you or get some things off her chest, or just vent about a lousy day. In any case, listening is a very important thing, because it shows that you care about what your loved one is thinking.

Appreciate. Say thank you - a lot. Don't take your partner - and all of the things he does for you - for granted. Try not to forget to let the other know how much you care. Love is a rare thing and always make sure your honey knows you are so happy to have them in your life.

Share. We learned in kindergarten that friends share, so why not share with your significant other - in every sense of the word! Share your lunch, your feelings, your theories. It’s a fact that sharing brings people closer.

Compliment. Don't forget to give a nice compliment every now and then. "Love your sweater", "Your hair looks so good today" and "Have you lost weight?" are all good choices. Make up a new one everyday - by looking for the positive things in your mate, you will soon forget to see the flaws. And you will also make your partner’s day!

Give. Give little gifts as often as you can. You don't need to spend a mint to show you care - you can even make something. If you see something that reminds you of your sweetie, get it for them. Just remember that everyone love to receive things!

Take. For as much as you give, also be a good taker. If a gift is offered to you, be gracious about it…your lover wanted to show you appreciation with a present so don't ruin the moment and say "you shouldn't have" or be apathetic about it! Say "THANK YOU" and give a hug and a kiss. It will make the moment magical.

Support. If your honey believes something you don't or says something you don't agree with, be sure to support her anyway. The worst you could do is contradict her in mixed company, so simply smile and put your arm around her. Additionally, if your boyfriend or girlfriend is looking for a job, show your support by helping with the search. Your companion deserves a higher level of respect so be sure to stand by him or her no matter what.

Defend. If someone or something is out to harm your soul mate, be sure to step up to their defense. It could be verbal slander, physical threats or even just work politics, but if it is in your power to do something to stand up for your lover, then do so.

Be honest. Don't sugar coat things just to keep your significant other happy. If something is bothering you, share it. If you are upset at the world, let her know why. If you don't want to go to a party, just tell him. You will find that not only will you be happier, but your relationship will benefit because you are communicating.

Make time. Your relationship should be one of the most (if not the most) important things in your life. Don't let the daily drudge get in the way of spending time with your loved one. Find the time to watch a movie or go for a walk or eat dinner together. Cancel other plans or meetings if necessary, but remember - how can you be "together" if you spend no time together?

Gather. Get together in groups for some new fun. Get a few couples together for a dinner, or let him tag along on a night out with your friends. Mixing up the crowd and making the group as diverse a possible puts the players (you and your honey) in a new scenario. You may discover a side to your lover you never saw before one-on-one and it could make you fall in love with them all over again.

Study. Bone up on topics the other likes - read about impressionism, listen to Blink 182, do a web search on Brad Pitt. You will have more to talk about (which we already know is always good) and you may discover that you really like football!

Care. Consider getting something to take care of together: a fish, a dog, a chia pet…whichever you prefer. Sometimes sharing responsibility can promote the idea that you are a team and bring you closer.

Laugh. Above all, be sure you laugh. If you don't have fun, it’s not worth it, right? Make jokes, tickle, play games - have fun, and your love will last for a long, long time.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

2006 Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends!

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30 am

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds of course!!! They're my birthstone!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Well, It hasn't been all that long ago...but I seriously can not remember!!! Uh oh

4. What is your favorite TV show? Don't watch shows on a very regular basis...but I'm starting to get hooked on Home and Garden shows...My fav. is Extreme home makeover (cry my eyes out every show)!!!

5. What did you have for breakfast? Today, a bowl of cereal and a glass of juuuiccce...!

6. What is your middle name? Michelle

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Anything that Bradley cooks for me!!! He's such a GOOD cook!

8. What foods do you dislike? I like most things...but I have still never been able to even try escargot! Eeewwwww!!!

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Salt and vinegar!!!

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Who listens to CDs anymore?!?!?! I love singin' along with the country station in my car...

11. What kind of car do you drive? Honda Civic Si ... it's very hott!

12. Favorite sandwich? Steak and cheese!

13. What characteristics do you despise? People who don't take responsibility for their own actions and always manage a way to blame it on someone else. That drives me nuts!

14. Favorite item of clothing? JEANS!!!

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? ...On an all expense paid tour across Europe with my future husband!!! That would be an amazing experience!

16. What color is your bathroom? ...right now the upstair is light green and downstairs is a brownish color...They are both getting pre painted VERY soon!

17. Favorite brand of clothing? Silver and Lucky Jeans!

18. Where would you retire to? Somwhere with dry heat all year round!

19. Favorite time of day? Super time!!!

20. What was your most memorable birthday? Humm not sure....5th maybe...Five is SO exciting!!!

21. Where were you born? Kirkland Lake in Northern Ontario!!!

22. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey of course!

23. What fabric detergent do you use? Whatever is on sale the week we buy it!!!

26. Coke or Pepsi? Regular Pepsi...but diet coke!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spring Has Sprung In The Capital

Unfortunately, I live in a society that requires me to work Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm (sometimes later)...
Fortunately, I work for a company that gives me 1 hr 15 min to break for lunch.
What a gorgeous day it has been in the Capital today...I think the temp was about 11 degrees C !!! That's considered t-shirt and shorts weather here in Canada (well ALMOST) ...and according to Environment looks like we may even stay in the plus all week!!! YEAH!!! Fingers crossed for continued nice weather :)

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Fortune Farms Sugar Bush...

Oh what fun Brad and I had on our Sunday drive this week!!!

...Yes, I am a Canadian and this weekend was my first Trip to the sugar bush!!!

Unfortunately I forgot my camera (again) this weekend...but the link attached will allow you to see everything we saw ... and probably a little more! The most interesting fun fact we learned while at the Fortune Family Sugar Bush..."It takes about 40 litres of sap to make one litre of syrup"!!!

It really is an amazing process and having seen the whole process certainly gives a person a whole new appreciation for Canadian Maple Syrup!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Stacy and Bradley ... Getting Married July 15, 2006


...well, thats what they say at least...
I'm new to this whole blogger thing, but everyone seems to have one...SO I WANT ONE TOO!!!
Not too sure what I'll do here, but I guess we'll see...