Monday, August 02, 2010

Updated info as i know it:

*Had CT Scan (to use as baseline test) last Thursday (results are complete, I'll find out the details of them next week)
*Had a Lung function test today to use as baseline tests and to determine the type of high dose chemo I will receive as a part of the transplant.
*Have an apt with a radiation specialist next Wednesday to discuss radiation options
*I am scheduled for my "Planning Session" next Thursday and will have firm transplant dates, but it looks like all will likely start that weekend the 28th/29th.


I had a followup appointment last Friday at the clinic. I don`t know much more than I did before really. My blood work counts are currently extremely low (to be expected post chemo), so I am at risk for infection which means extra cleaning and hand washing at the O`Neil residence. I`m pretty tired right now due to the low blood counts but otherwise feeling OK. I`m pleased that i was able to tolerate the last chemo fairly well and again with little nausea (thanks to my magic pills). The stress of this all still plays hard with my emotions - but I'm managing best I can.

I should find out possibly Tuesday the dates for my next scan which will be used to determine how much further the tumor(s) have shrunk as well to use for baselines. I suspect the scans will be in about 2 weeks. I also suspect the week after that will be a meeting with the doctors to discuss the transplant which i am anticipated to undergo either the last week of August or first week of September.... We did discuss radiation again - and I will most likely receive some form of radiation as a part of the treatment this time around. Either total body radiation during the transplant or a determined course of radiation after the transplant. This will be discussed again after the scans and with a specialist.

The 7 days of the transplant protocol will be very difficult. I will undergo 7 days of chemo and an infusion of my stem cells back (as well possibly radiation). It will be the most toxic chemo i will have received yet. I will be left with no immune system and at very high risk for infections etc. I`m going to try and do as much of this as out patient so that I may spend most of my time at home if I am well enough. Days that I am not well enough I will be admitted to the hospital.

Like I said, I will be at high risk of infections due to my recovering immune system for a number of months after the transplant. I`ll remind everyone that during this time, it is SO important to not visit or have us visit if anyone is ill. Especially since we`ll be getting into flu season as well soon. Another challenge we`ll have is keeping Olivia well since she does attend daycare. We will likely keep her out of daycare if there are any illnesses there to try to avoid spreading them at home. We`ll play this by ear.

Brad will be taking some time off during the transplant to be with the girls as we continue to try and keep things as normal as possible for them during this time. We will be taking up everyone on their offers for help during this time as well.

Also, here's agood time to make a shout out (and great big huge THANK YOU) to our friends Andrea and Brad who drove all the way from Barrie, ON carting a number of coolers FULL of freezer meals!!! Our freezer is packed and that is awesome! Thank you EVERYONE from Barrie and Belleville who sent their homemade meals along - I understand there are meals that came from a number of households!!! Seriously - we appreciate the food!

The hair came off today. I though Olivia would be traumatized. She was totally fine...helped Grandma cut it and daddy shave it... We have been explaining to her about mommy`s hair falling out and why. She is mostly concerned if I will still have a head when my hair falls out. Good question - some days I wonder myself. We also shaved daddy's head - with a Mohawk!

So - time to enjoy the next 2 weeks as I don`t have to make any visits to the hospital as far as I know. Life can be somewhat normal for another two weeks. I look forward to hanging out with the girls as usual :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacey;
Sometimes words do not come in the way a person wants so suffice it saay that I understand this difficult time for you and your family. Your mom and dad, children and your husband are certainly gift to have and hold every day. way the. I want you to know that I have been following your blog and it took me back a very long way. My love, prayers and thoughts are with you daily.