Thank you Chris and Jim, for having us all out over the Christmas holidays!!! As always we had alot of fun...of course ALOT of food...good company and now that logans a bit bigger some great entertainment!!!

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas !!!
PS. Mama and Papa Light...WE MISSED YOU ALOT!!!! :(
looks like you had a beautiful time! Where is the snow???? It looks warmer there then it does here...what is up with that???/
We love you both (three)
Love Theresa, Ken, Liz and Mikaela
WOW!!!! Santa must have come with lots of presents to your house too! Did you see him in the morning? He stopped by my house for a few minutes to meet me and have some food (hee, hee). I am so glad that you all had a great Christmas.
Lots of love,
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