Thursday, November 01, 2007

Not quite 2 months old here:

Mommy and Olivia with Grandma and Grandpa Light!!! Olivia was VERY happy to have them visiting with us and helping us out!!! We can't wait for them to visit again!!! xoxox

Nanny and Grandpa McCready

...After several visits to the hospital Nanny and Grandpa come to visit Olivia at her new home as well. They are very proud!!!

Images to bring you up-to-date!!!'s gonna take me a few days to get the blog caught up and I'll do so mostly by posting pics for now...Here's just a few to start!!!

This is Daddy cuddling our beautiful daughter just before we were released from our 3 days stay at the hospital:
Here is our gorgeous Olivia Michelle not even 24 hours old. Sleeping beauty:
This is mom and babe...totally pooped from labor and delivery. That said, I still say it was the most amazing experience I have ever had (even with NO epidural)!!!
This is Olivia Michelle just minutes old. She joined our family on July 27, 2007 at 7:47 pm. She weighed 8lbs and 13 oz. She was very alert from the beginning: